Security and Privacy

6 Ways to Become A Security-First Organization

A security-first strategy is a competitive advantage in business today. Leaders want to create superior and secure digital experiences for their customers. Companies who put security first stand to gain a competitive edge in their market. In this article we’ll explain what a security-first model looks like. And we’ll review how to enable a security-first […]

How to Use DevSecOps to Strengthen Security

The goal of DevOps is to make IT agile and responsive in order to deliver continuous development and integration of software at scale and speed. DevOps unites two traditionally separate domains – IT development and IT operations, and effectively aligns their corresponding processes to achieve continuous integration and delivery of software. In order to achieve […]

Fn Serverless and Caddy: An Interview With Dan Anderson

Dan Anderson is a Product Manager at JDK Technologies. He’s a self-described weekend hacker that delves into open source projects to expand his technical skills and learn new cutting-edge technologies. On a recent project, Dan explored how to configure Caddy as a poxy to an FN server. We interviewed Dan to learn more about it, serverless technology, and his […]

Which Cloud Configuration is Best for Your Organization?

Around 20 years ago cloud computing revolutionized business. It became a powerhouse tool for dramatically ramping up software efficiency, cutting costs, and enabling record-speed access and data processing. The cloud literally became the single-most powerful differentiator between market leaders and market laggards. But time has shown that the cloud of yesteryear is not the panacea many […]

5 Ways Identity Management Helps It Become Efficient And Secure Their Organizations

Implementing new business technologies often leads to a question of access. IT leaders have to evaluate who will use it, for how long, and why, and consider how it will impact security. Not long ago, this scenario created a fair amount of chaos and uncertainty around security for IT. Understandably, IT was reticent about implementing […]

Data Privacy: Becoming Compliant

Recent years have seen a shifting tide in data privacy and user data protection regulations. Relatively speaking, data privacy can be considered a “new” topic. 100 years ago, for example, regulations around customer data tracking, reporting, and consent did not exist because customer data points weren’t being tracked. Today is a new day. Government agencies […]

Artifical Intelligence Is Cybersecurity’s New Line Of Defense

The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has opened a world of new potential for human-machine relationships and the future of technology. Not only can AI help fight disease, evaluate potential market changes, and automate the modern-day workplace, it can act as a much-needed defense system against potential digital threats. Taking into consideration the rate at which […]

Perkins+Will Showcase Plus App At Boxworks 2018

Last week our client, and top architecture and design firm, Perkins+Will spoke at BoxWorks 2018 to present how their mobile app PLUS leverages Box and Okta to give their clients greater project insight. Perkins+Will specializes in research-driven design to create healthy, sustainable places in which to live, learn, work, play, and heal. Organizations across industries seek the firm’s leadership […]

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